Next Cohort Begins January 2019

Apply Today for the 2020 Cooperative Leadership Intensive!

Join members of NYC co-ops and solidarity economy enterprises for a 5-day deep dive into how we work—individually, collectively, and in community. With curriculum developed in partnership with the Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance and delivered by skilled and seasoned facilitators, participants will learn how to:

  • Identify, analyze, and respond to how does power operate in our organizations and our society
  • Effectively relate and respond to our individual needs as leaders
  • Respond to white supremacy, patriarchy, ableism, and oppression showing up in our organizations and leadership
  • Deepen understanding and knowledge of the unique qualities needed for a cooperative leader
  • Identify, address, and prevent burnout in ourselves and our organizations
  • Use somatic tools to support healthy group functioning
  • Deepen democratic decision-making
  • Gain understanding and awareness of different kinds of leadership styles and personalities, and how to best make use of them in a team
  • Deepen conflict resolution skills
  • Gain a deeper understanding and analysis of the ways co-ops, gardens, and solidarity enterprise can effectively integrate with social movements

The CLI will be held over the following dates: January 18th-January 19th, February 15th-February 16th, and March 7th. All sessions will be held at Prime Produce 424 W 54th St, New York, NY 10019.


Lauren Hudson has been a member of SolidarityNYC, a collective of organizers and researchers promoting and connecting NYC’s solidarity economy, since 2012. She is currently a doctoral student in Earth and Environmental Sciences at CUNY Graduate Center where she writes about anti-capitalist organizing among women in NYC. Her research interests concern how economic subjectivities are created between and among those who perform the majority of SE labor, how their narratives of the solidarity economy cohere and diverge from dominant SE discourses, and how such discourses create a sense of ‘movement space.’ A native Californian, Lauren now lives in Brooklyn where she tweets about the Solidarity Economy and bad TV at @blactivist. 

Emilie Miyauchi has over ten years of experience working with grassroots food, agricultural, and environmental justice organizations in Baltimore, the Hudson Valley, and NYC. She has shared in the successes and struggles of communities building their own responses to no or dissatisfactory food choices – starting gardens, CSAs, farmers markets, and teaching ancestral food practices – building a food system by and for community. Her work in NYC community food systems has included managing Just Food’s CSA and Farm Network. While stewarding the Network she worked on particular initiatives to develop shared resources, peer mentorship opportunities, and deepen collaboration between groups. She worked in coalition with regional CSA network leaders, farmers, and advocates to develop the Charter of CSA for the US and Canada with the goal of protecting the CSA model from cooption and grounding it in principles of justice.

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