Biblioteca de Recursos
Biblioteca de Recursos
Want to learn more about the cooperative and solidarity economy? Check out these resources to get started.
- Growing a Resilient City: 2013 report produced by SolidarityNYC outlining the potential for collaboration in New York City’s solidarity economy
- Cooperative Economics Alliance of NYC Summary of Findings: 2014 CEANYC focus groups report outlining the needs of each sector in New York City’s solidarity economy
- CEANYC – Annotated Bibliography: annotated bibliography of existing academic literature on NYC’s cooperative and solidarity economy.
- Solidarity Economy: Building Alternatives for People and Planet: papers and reports from the U.S. Social Forum 2007
- This is How We Win Panel Discussion: panel discussion featuring Magali Regis (NYC Community Garden Coalition), Mark Winston Griffith (Brooklyn Movement Center), Deborah Sanders (Urban Homesteading Assistance Board Shareholder Forum) moderated by Lauren Hudson (Solidarity NYC).
- Building a Cooperative City: video animation from Cooperative Economics Alliance of NYC (CEANYC)
- Shapes of Exchange in the Solidarity Economy: animation from SolidarityNYC (link will also take you to the SolidarityNYC portrait series)
- New York City Network of Worker Cooperatives
- Collective Courage: a Conversation on Cooperation in African-American Communities: conversation between Jessica Gordon Nembhard (author of Collective Courage) and Farah Tanis (co-founder and Executive Director of Black Women’s Blueprint), moderated by Esteban Kelly (of the Anti Opression Resource and Training Alliance and the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives)
- Fixing the Future: video following David Brancaccio as he travels through America visiting communities using innovative approaches to create jobs and build prosperity after the 2008 economic crisis

- Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice by Jessica Gordon Nembhard
- The Company We Keep: Reinventing Small Business for People, Community, and Place by John Abrams
- For All the People: Uncovering the Hidden History of Cooperation, Cooperative Movements, and Communalism in America by John Curl
- Building Cooperative Power by Janelle Cornwell, Michael Johnson, and Adam Trott with Julie Gramah
- Oppose and Propose by Andrew Cornell
- The Myth of Mondragon: Cooperatives, Politics, and Working Class Life in a Basque Town by Sharryn Kasmir
- Ours to Lose: When Squatters Became Homeowners in New York City by Amy Starecheski
- Birth of a Cooperative: Hoedads, Inc. A Worker Owned Forest Labor Co-op by Hal Hartzell
- Worker Cooperatives in America by Robert Jackall and Henry M. Levin
- The Cooperative Workplace: Potentials and Dilemmas of Organizational Democracy and Participation by Joyce Rothschild and J. Allen Whitt
Audio and Podcasts:
- Resourcing Our Communities: CEANYC call—in collaboration with the the Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union and the National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions—discussing how to participate in CDCUs, what CDCUs are, and what the CDCU landscape is in New York City.
- Let’s Be Real: Podcast by the New Economy Project about the people, places, and organizations on the frontlines of the movement for justice in New York City
- Commonsplace Podcast: news and information about the cooperative economy in the United States, or ‘what the capitalists don’t want you to know’
- Next Economy: podcast from LIFT economy highlighting leaders taking a regenerative, bio-regional, democratic, transparent, and whole-systems approach to using business as a force for good
- Upstream Podcast: a show about economics that tells stories, because ‘the revolution will be podcasted’
- We Are the Warmth:#WeAreTheWarmth was a night of solidarity with the visionaries building a new economy in New York City. New Economy Coalition, CEANYC, and others came together to celebrate our work to build a new economy

- Other Economies are Possible by Ethan Miller
- Solidarity Economy: an Overview and Some Definitions by Julie Matthaei and Jenna Allard
- Solidarity Economy: Key Concepts and Issues by Ethan Miller
- Next Generation Principles by Democracy at Work Institute

How-To Guides:
- Solidarity Economy Principles and Practices – tools and workshops
- Putting Democracy to Work by Frank T. Adams and Gary B. Hansen
- Worker Cooperative Toolbox by Northcountry Cooperative Foundation
- How to Set-up a Worker Co-op by Footprint Workers Co-operative and Seeds for Change Lancaster Co-operative
- A Technology Freelancer’s Guide to Setting Up a Worker Cooperative by Network of American Techworkers Co-operative
- Co-Op 101 by the Cooperative Development Institute
- Immigrant Worker Cooperatives: A Handbook by Minsun Ji
- Tools for Radical Democracy by Joan Minieri and Paul Getsos
National and Regional Allies
- American Community Gardening Association
- Austin Cooperative Business Association
- Boston Ujima Project
- Cooperation Buffalo
- Cooperation Jackson
- Cooperative Maine
- Cooperative Vermont
- Data Commons Cooperative
- Federation of Southern Cooperatives
- Fund for Democratic Communities
- Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO) Collective
- Highlander Research and Education Center
- New Economy Coalition
- North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO)
- NY State Cooperative Network
- Participatory Budgeting Project
- Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance
- Resource Generation
- Responsible Endowments Coalition
- Southern Grassroots Economies Project
- USA Cooperative Youth Council
- US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
- U.S. Solidarity Economy Network
- Valley Co-operative Business Association
- Worcester SAGE Alliance