Solidarity Economy Giving Project: Sunset Report

For three years, CEANYC ran the Solidarity Economy Giving Project (SEGP) — a unique philanthropy initiative that raised over $150,000 to directly support our local cooperative efforts. SEGP reaffirmed the crucial role Solidarity Economy groups play for low-income and communities of color across the city, all the more so in the time of COVID-19.

As we sunset the program, we are honored to share this report which includes:

  • an overview of how the project evolved from 2018 to 2020
  • impact analysis, lessons learned, and recommendations
  • our plans for where we are taking this program next
  • and of course the deepest gratitude to the many people that made it happen!

Click here to download a high-resolution PDF of the report, or here for a version posted to Medium. 

“If you’ve been a part of making the last three years of the Solidarity Economy Giving Project a success, thank you. Whether you got a grant, wrote a check, fundraised friends, spoke at an event, directed us to donor advised funds, wrote a legal memo, served on a grantmaking committee, helped spread the word in your community, or did the loving and caring work of being in community with us while we ran into hurdles with any of these moving parts, thank you. Without the work of so many people we would never have been able to attempt this ambitious experiment, and we hope that our report here honors you and the contributions we’ve made together to a more just world. 

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