2021 Summer Member Meeting Report Back


The CEANYC Board of Directors convened our Summer Member Meeting on Tuesday, June 21st from 6PM-8PM over Zoom with over 40 individuals attending. In the first hour of the meeting we presented our year-in-review to members, and welcomed our two new board members Alicia Portada and Sade Swift, who you can read more about below.  

The second hour focused on getting feedback on CEANYC’s new membership guidelines as well as our top three program priorities for the coming year and beyond: Solidarity Economy Digital Storytelling, Solidarity Economy Leadership Councils and Building Cross-Movement Alliances. 

If you missed attending this year, here’s the slide presentation and we hope to see you at our next member meeting this Winter! 

Board of Directors Election

The Summer Member Meeting is when we elect new members to our Board of Directors. This year we elected two brand new board members, Alicia Portada (credit unions) and Sadé Swift  (Worker Co-ops), who you can read about below: 

Alicia Portada is the Director of Communications and Community Engagement at Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union. With over 13 years of experience in credit unions, Alicia has successfully led initiatives and campaigns to connect credit unions with communities in NYC to provide affordable financial services, financial workshops, and actively spread good banking practices and financial rights. AmeriCorps alumni and former financial counselor, Alicia’s work on outreach and engagement is concentrated in the underserved and immigrant communities. Alicia is the co-Chair of New immigrant Community Empowerment that provides resources to recent immigrants to empower them to navigate the U.S system. Alicia, who is originally from Peru, holds a Bachelor’s in Economics and a Master’s degree in Public Administration from Baruch College

Sadé Swift is a queer Black Dominican who has been organizing for 10+ years. They were born and raised in Washington Heights and now reside in the Bronx. They are a worker owner and co-founder of two worker-owned cooperative businesses, Cards by De, a stationery cooperative and Rebellious Root, a consulting cooperative working towards justice and social change through training, curriculum design and intentional conversations. Sade is also the Advocacy Council Coordinator for the NYC Network of Worker Cooperatives (NYCNOWC) and has served as NYCNOWC’s board treasurer as well as a member of its HR and Auditing Committees. They believe that a big part of the worker coop sector’s recent development has been deepening its understanding of the cooperative ecosystem and through growing base building and partnerships. They are currently on the US Solidarity Economy Network (USSEN) board and are a member of their Communications Committee.

Alicia and Sadé join our other board members Anne Schoeneborn (community gardens), Charlotte Bell (low-equity housing cooperatives), Fran Sanhueza (food coops) Mark Winston-Griffith (food coops & credit unions), Raj Kottamasu (at-large), Ryan Hickey, (community land trusts). We also said goodbye to – and shared deep appreciation with – our outgoing board members Emilie Miyuchi, Evan Casper-Futterman, Jessica Turner, Raina Kennedy and Saduf Syal.

You can read more about all of our board members here. Feel free to reach out to any of them with any thoughts, concerns, or questions related to your own solidarity economy work.

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