Catch us at Left Forum

Growing the Solidarity Economy: Theory and Practice

Left Forum 2019
June 28-30, 2019
1 University Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11201

The Conference

A unique phenomenon in the U.S. and the world, Left Forum convenes the largest annual conference of a broad spectrum of left and progressive intellectuals, activists, academics, organizations and the interested public. Conference participants come together to engage a wide range of critical perspectives on the world, to discuss differences, commonalities, and alternatives to current predicaments, and to share ideas for understanding and transforming the world. The conference is held each year in New York City.

The Panel

The solidarity economy is an alternative to capitalism that is growing up alongside of it, within and outside of markets.  In contrast to capitalism, centered in individualism, greed,  competition, and domination, it is  based on values of solidarity and cooperation, equity in all dimensions, sustainability, economic and political democracy, and pluralism.  This panel will discuss the growth and development of the solidarity economy both conceptually, and concretely within two cities, Boston and New York.  Julie will present an historical and theoretical overview of the solidarity economy as part of a paradigm shift from inequality to solidarity, being produced by social movements and capitalist crises.  Micky will focus on her participation on the Boston Ujima Project,  which is building solidarity economy as a means of empowerment and economic development in an under-resourced community of color in Boston.  Emilie will speak about the development of the solidarity economy in NYC, based on her experience as a board member of CEANYC (Cooperative Economic Alliance of NYC), as well as an activist in NYC community food systems.   Finally, Anand will discuss the work of NEC (the New Economy Coalition) in growing solidarity economy practices and institutions (probably not Anand, but an NEC member

The Speakers

  • Julie Matthaei, Board Member, SEN (U.S. Solidarity Economy Network) and Professor of Economics, Wellesley College
  • Emilie Miyauchi, Board Member, CEANYC (Cooperative Economic Alliance of NYC)
  • Micky Metts, Board Member, SEN (US Solidarity Economy Network), Boston Ujima Project, and Agaric cooperative
  • Sarah Jacqz, Communications Organizer with Boston Ujima Project


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